Wow!!! About time for an update! Well we arrived back in Santiago on Friday night after a succesful 2.5 weeks collecting data at Fray Jorge National Park. We managed to accomplish everything we had set out to do, and definitely had lots of fun doing it! There is definitely too much to put in one blog post, so I will likely stretch it out over a few. And of course, I took TONS more photos that won't all fit on here, but you can check out my facebook album.
So the group of us that traveled to Fray Jorge was Loren, Raúl, Rachel, Tina, and me. We stayed in the park the whole time at a cabin used by many biological researchers. Most of the time that we were there, another man who worked at the park, Juan, was also staying in the cabin with us. And he was the best cook ever!!!! He would cook for us all the time and then we would gobble down the food in seconds. The last night we were there he made the best fried fish EVER that we are going to attempt (and probably fail) to recreate at home.
The park was also beautiful, and we definitely the warmer weather there as compared to here in Santiago. Our study area was in the semi-arid part of the park and it would get pretty warm in the afternoons (perfect for naps between telemetry rounds). We spent a few days capturing and collaring degus, and then about a week of telemetry and afterwards another few days of trapping to recover collars. I will probably have a separate a blog just for all of the animals there! Hmm anyways we have a lot of catching up to do, but we finally have internet in our apartment! So hopefully more blog updates soon. I can't believe I have less than two weeks left here :( It has gone by so fast!
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