Weekend in Valparaíso! So this past weekend Tina, Rachel, and I decided to take a trip to Valparaíso, about an hour outside of Santiago, on the coast. We took a bus from Santiago on Saturday morning and got there around 11am. It was so beautiful! Very different from Santiago! It is a port town right on the ocean, and it is made up almost completely of small hills, which are covered in colorful houses. When we got there we rode the funicular up the cerro(hill) that the hostel we were staying at. Super nice hostel!!!
It had a nice shared living area with a fireplace, a kitchen/dining area, and nice outdoor patio thing too! Anyways so we dropped off our things there and spent the morning/afternoon wandering around the city – lots of stair climbing was involved. We stopped for lunch at a cute café and then were persuaded into buying ice cream cones by the nice lady handing out samples. It was so good!!! We spent more of the afternoon wandering around and buying a few souvenirs,
then later had dinner at a restaurant called Vinilo which had some pretty good authentic “Chilean” food. Tina thought it would be fun to order codorniz relleno de queso Philadelphia y membrillo (quail stuffed with cream cheese and quince) which turned out to be smaller than we expected…so we pretty much laughed about it all through dinner. It had such tiny wings!!! Hahahahaha. Sunday we got up and went to see La Sebastiana, Pablo Neruda’s house in Valpo. We weren’t allowed to take photos inside, but it was awesome! Very colorful and full of fun/strange stuff that Neruda collected.
Then we went to lunch at a Thai restaurant (OMG YUM) and afterwards headed back to Santiago. Sunday night we had a going away dinner for Michael at Tiramisú (with supercopas of course!)because he left on Monday. ¡Que triste! We will all miss you Michael! Good luck at school!
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